A difficult topic. Of course, some people would say, we even own 'cycling clothes'. However, when I say 'bike fashion' I certainly don't mean that:
So what kind of 'bike fashion' am I talking of then? Let's say there are two different types, not necessarily disjunct:
1. Comfy clothes one can easily cycle in:
1. Comfy clothes one can easily cycle in:
That includes of course almost all types of clothes. You name it: trousers, skirts, dresses, suits etc. Just open your closet!
However, there might be some designer clothes or shoes that are neither constructed for walking, sitting nor cycling, but only for gracefully standing around. Like this:
2. Clothes with bike-related imprints:
Although I have seen a lot of such clothes I don't own any myself. But I can provide you with a picture from the lovely musu shop in Budapest:
Although I have seen a lot of such clothes I don't own any myself. But I can provide you with a picture from the lovely musu shop in Budapest:
No matter what, most of use are aware of the fact that cycling is fashionable anyhow. And that it is particularly fashionable if one rides a lovely bicycle. Indeed, riding pretty is easy. Especially girls and bicycles go together quite well. If you're not convinced consult Vélo Vogue for some fashion advice. So come on, let's go for a ride!
Keep it up, fellow cycling friends. We will too :). If you're keen on spying you can see what we wear in blog posts marked with the clothes label.
Keep it up, fellow cycling friends. We will too :). If you're keen on spying you can see what we wear in blog posts marked with the clothes label.
Girls always look Beautiful on Bikes no matter what they Wear and it is a Joy to see them Cycing past. I do not like Bicycle Specific Clothes myself. But I try to be as comfortable as possble and that usually means very casual Clothes. Like Jeans or Hiking Trousers Tee Shirt or ordinary long Sleeved Shirt on a Cold Day with a Cardigan and perhaps a Red Gortex Jacket to keep out the Rain. I certainly do not go around with Hi Viz Jackets in the Daytime.
If on the other Hand I was going off Touring I would wear Short Khaki Trousers Tee Shirt and even a Helmet and if Night I would wear that Hi Viz Vest on the Country Roads. If I could get those Mountain Bikers Shorts that are a bit Longer and are Padded in the Crotch Area for Touring I would get them. But only for Touring long Distances as I prefer ordinary Clothes for City and County Cycling.
How clever this post was! I love how you've tied so many blogger names in that one cute paragraph. Well Done!
The top pic reminded me of a guy I saw recently who looked like a bumble bee. Halloween early?
I don't think there is such a thing as bike fashion. Both lycra/spandex with cleats and mini-dresses with spike heels - as well as anything in between - are perfectly valid and wonderful forms of dressing on a bicycle.
Oh, and that stackable dress - I have it in black : )
I wish my closet looked like that picture!
I like l'homme au velo's comment. Anyone that says I always look beautiful while cycling no matter what I wear is welcome ;)
My name is Mackenzie Kelly and I am a 20 year old CAt 4 badass road racer from Spokesman Bikes in Santa Cruz. It is all about the outfits. It is not how fast you are but how skinny and good you think you look.
Hi its me again the badass from above....Yeah I only ride to get good pictures of myself dressed like an easter egg all on my old man mentor's dime and time.
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